But before I get into what a footprint is and everything else I'd like to begin by setting up context to why I'm here and how it came to it. As you might already know, I will be talking about footprint and library creation, footprint mistakes and how to avoid them. I'm a component engineer at SnapEDA, and I'll be your host for this presentation. Hi, and welcome to Altiumlive Connect 2022. Common Issues in PCB Design Workflows - Altium Academy.Creating a PCB Footprint Courtyard in Altium Designer | PCB Layout.Connect with Rodrigo Contreras on LinkedIn.Delving far beyond the basics, we’ll look at some of the more gnarly errors - and how you can avoid them in your next design. In this talk, we’ll explore the top mistakes engineers make when creating PCB footprints. Yet even with rigorous standards in place, mistakes inevitably creep into such a detail-oriented process. When creating libraries, standards are crucial for reliable design and manufacturing.